Thursday, 17 November 2016

Case Study: FZD Illustration & industrial Design
Design Cinema
Episode 53:  Illustration & industrial Design

Illustration produced directly for consumer
artwork = dollah $$$$
Funding = materials
client, advertising agency, book cover
end result is the artwork is the money

Artwork = money art tied together with money
Illustration direct to consumer
Painting is the result
final image has value
value is in image
image is final product
illustration is final product.
purely meant to sell artwork itself.

Industrial design
Main focus is not artwork but product itself
average consumer never gets to see artwork behind product the art is used for
average consumer cares less what artwork looks like
(ex: entertainment design industry)
average 2-6 month design (pre production)
product = money
consumer doesn't see art
consumer only cares about ipad, not designs of ipad. ipad designs would be destroyed and no one would care.
if original artwork is destroyed, value is gone.



evoke emotion
technical skill
develop own style
heavy focus on anatomy and figure drawing
different mediums
style is/can be defined by materials
experimenting with different style
artwork is income
how do you make drawings look good/how do you make light look good when its fractioning through glass
how do u make cloth look good

Industrial Design

paintings are meant to show to producers/executives/guys with money.
what will film look like when its done
scenes help illustrate what final product may look like when consumer sees it
mean for pipeline, not consumer
rapid prototyping
easier for the next guy to see
unique style is not so important, clients paying for content not indevidual style
most schools teach common technique used in industry
design LANGUAGE very important
clients want a clear design
perspective, light particle, wavelength, what does blue light on black material look like - more sciency kind of
"have to work with a massive group of people. To make sure your design, once it's finished can move down the pipeline and help these nine hundred and ninety nine people, make it into a final product" - feng zhu quote
mass consumer focus
sell product to as many people as you can - mass market approach



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